Giving Societies

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.
What Are The Benefits
The Giving Societies allow Connections Work an opportunity to say “thank you” today for gifts in the past and for any future gifts that will benefit Connections Work tomorrow. We value your contribution and strive for open communication, close connection, and deep appreciation for your support. Members will be listed in our annual report, receive invitations to special events, have the opportunity to visit and observe Connections Work's Rebuilding Reentrants and Reading (R3) program in action and meet one-on-one with Connections Work leadership. Your participation is voluntary; we honor any request for anonymity.
Mother Theresa

Are YOu Eligible?
Giving Societies
Connections Work has established three giving societies to celebrate and thank those individuals who share our mission to improve lives and create safer, more prosperous communities by providing services, support, and community reintegration to individuals with justice involvement and their families.
Paul J. and Mary Kate Hoh Society
The Paul and Mary Kate Hoh Society recognizes Connection Work's long-time individual donors, who have given 25 or more gifts over a period of 25 or more years. It is named in honor of Connections Work's founding member and first president, the late, Paul J. Hoh, and his wife, Mary Kate Hoh, who has continued to support Connections Work every year since 1975.

Life Improvement Society
The Life Improvement Society recognizes Connections Work's major individual donors who have given $10,000 or more in their lifetime. This includes donors who have pledged future gifts of $10,000 or more to Connections Work. Future gifts include bequests, life insurance, retirement, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, and others where Connections Work is named as a charitable beneficiary.

Connections Work Legacy Society
The Connections Work Legacy Society recognizes all individual donors who have contributed, or have promised to leave a future gift to Connections Work, by including Connections Work in their will. Future gifts include bequests, life insurance, retirement, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, and others where Connections Work is named as a charitable beneficiary.

For more information, email: Development@ConnectionsWork.org